Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pinterest has encouraged me to be crafty again!

So not only is Pinterest extremely addicting BUT it is also helping me decorate my house! Here are some projects I am currently working on.

First thing is hanging fabric. I knew that just pasting the fabric on the wall was not the look i was going for. :) And I also knew that canvas the size i wanted was going to be extremely expensive. So I had this GREAT fabric but I was at a loss for what to do with it.

Then I was hunting around in Hobby Lobby and found canvas stretchers! I had never heard of them until this exciting trip to HL nor was i really sure how to use them. But where a 34x32 canvas would be well over $30. I bought 4 pieces to make a frame for $9! Not only is this my kind of deal! But now i would not be covering canvas with fabric. But my fabric would be the canvas! Here are some photos from my adventure. (And as always - I used push pins. Because I like to reserve my right to change my mind and not loose the fabric!)

I am also re-working the pieces below (which I have pinned to my pinterest boards) to make them my own and also fit in my very green living room! I'll update again with the finished products.
Pinned Image

Pinned Image

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Wish I could think of things like these! Let's see, I could do this with animal print! Maybe for my office?

    Thank you so much for enlightening me about Pinterest!
